Sunday, May 2, 2010


My family is so depressing. Yes, I know my grandpa died. Yes, I know this a very difficult time for my grandma. Yes, I know I mom hates her sisters and their descendents. My mom is a cow. Okay. She is stubborn and annoying and skeptical. So when my family goes up to visit we come across my 36 year old cousin Jennet. She had lived with my aunt until she was 28. She is a hairdresser. Now she has her own apartment. She is not married but yet got herself pregnant. My mom deplores that. Jennet is all happy, yet whinny. She all like “I hate morning sickness. I’m getting fat(only 3 months). My boyfriend I, we are the first of our couple friends who did this. His brother, who is 40 is going out a 26 year old girl and they’re planning to do the same thing!” she makes it sound all peachy. But it’s not. Getting pregnant before you get married is WRONG. Think about the child! The lady has some screws loose, that’s all I can say.
Tears. My dad left to Florida to go check on our house. Tomorrow they will break land. Yippy! I will be moving during winter break of next year. I’m so excited. Don’t get me wrong I love my friends, but this, this is like an adventure. Everything is new and open. Moving to another state, another high school will be cool. Nobody knows me; they can’t judge me by what their friend said I was like in middle school. I start out clean. Todaloo! Ha, to-da-loo.

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1 comment:

Strawberry said...

As long as the child has both a mother and father figure, I don't think it matters much. If she thinks she can raise the kid without being married, then fine. It's her decision.